Learn to love yourself and your whole life
Negative emotions that we feel after traumatizing events are quite common in society. The question however is, should they be common? Traumatizing events that we come across aren’t something random, they don’t happen just for the sake of it, just because someone told himself/herself to complicate your life. They also don’t happen because someone enjoys himself doing it. Everything that happens to you is your own result. You yourself have brought this into your life, or have agreed to it on other levels. It’s necessary to understand that you yourself are responsible for your own life and only you can change it. Everyone else can only assist you in doing so.
Many say that healing emotions that are represented by sadness and grief require mainly time. My opinion however is that first and foremost they require understanding, love and empathy towards yourself, and based on this understanding and knowledge you will make peace with yourself.
Sadness often stems from the loss of a loved one that made us feel like we were kindred spirits. A sudden loss however causes an abrupt and irreversible destruction of a deep mental bond that bonded us with said loved one. It is due to these factors that we often feel this exact form of sadness, and grieving for the ones we lost in a form of physical pain, that regularly tires us, also tires our surroundings and steals from us all those precious little amounts of energy we have left.
Things that occurred in our lives simply occurred. They had a reason and a cause. We would like to know the real reasons why such things happened to us, but most of the time we simply have no answers. We can only make peace with what happened and continue. What it means is to accept life the way it is and try to understand it. But continue? How?
Remote therapy works with a powerful substance called energy of love, empathy, happiness and peace. It can gradually heal our broken bonds and focus on renewing the flow of energy that we need in our life. It is an effective tool in making peace with our loved ones and in establishing peace and happiness in our lives.
Energy is all around us, it connects us with living beings, with the environment we live in and with our beloved. When we grieve, we are depleting its supply, it cannot continue flowing through us and gradually the bonds we have with the world around us weaken.
Remote therapy is capable of lessening negative impacts while at the same time strengthening the bonds we have created with our loved ones and the environment. We can feel happy again, bonded with the world. We can love once again and focus on love and happiness from living.
In case you need help, I will be happy to give you any advice or help on your path.
With love,