In order for you to find absolute peace in your heart, oneness with everything that exists and to enter a new era of being, I would like to tell you a few words that are very important.
And they are really very important to you, because without this knowledge and application in practice, the gates of ascension to the higher realms of being will remain closed.
Although many of you think that countless things need to be overcome to reach high levels, the most important thing is always the purity of your heart. If there is love in your heart with a specific frequency, only that love can open and activate the gates to higher realms.
There is no way to get around it or manipulating it. There are no excuses, judgments or other justifications. Only pure code, the pure vibration of your heart, will open the gates of knowledge to the highest levels of being and lead you to perfection. Only pure love for all living things, all of humanity, the animal kingdom, minerals and everything that exists will move you further and open all the gates for you.
I’m asking you to focus on yourself and the peace in your heart. Lovingly, with joy and ease, heal all the disharmonies in your heart and find the desired peace you have longed for. Heal everything that bothers you and unnecessarily burdens you for years. Stop suppressing it all in yourself, heal it once and for all. Find the perfect peace in your heart. It’s up to you how much or how fast you can handle it. However, it is necessary to experience it perfectly in your current reality, to maintain your frequency of love and peace, and to heal all the disharmonies in your life.
Do not judge and divide people into “good” and “bad”, “nice” or “ugly”. Don’t live with the belief that this one deserves more love and that one does not. All manifestations of life are perfect. They are as they are, they are unique, they are perfect simply by life and being.
If you constantly judge, condemn and divide people or other beings, you will not be able to maintain peace and love in your heart and your vibrations will continue to fall into old patterns, habits and frequencies.
I’m asking you to respect the animals as your peer friends and the beings who help you on your life journey, the beings that give you love. Recognize that they desire to live with you in joy and peace.
Stop consuming the meat of these beings, these friends who often give you help, love and comfort. They do not judge you, they make no difference between people. They love you the way you are. Whether you are “rich” or “poor”, whether you have enough of everything or you are a “beggar”, they are with you and give you love without judgment. Stop closing your eyes and your hearts before suffering.
Fill your hearts with unconditional love and stop harming animals, because this path in no way leads to higher realms of being, unlimited love and unity.
The condition to enter these realms is always the purity of your heart, genuine and unconditional love for everything that exists.
Heal all the disharmony that comes with it and you will find infinite peace, eternal joy, unconditional love and unity with everything.
With love